Speedrunning my 30s in 2025

i’m 34 and have already lived multiple lives. careers, relationships, cities, and physiques have all come and gone. i am incredibly grateful for this by the way. i don’t deserve any of it.

to absolve myself of “success guilt” — something every self aware yuppie experiences — i do a mix of writing, giving, and teaching on the side. comedian Ryan Long once said something like “advice is just telling people how to be you.” so i tried that too because “me” is a happy, optimistic, net good for society. i create jobs, encourage others, and pay taxes.

then last week happened. the America First (not Americans* first) scam got me thinking. maybe i don’t want to do this for much longer? maybe the tech bros i’ve been mentoring are not my people. i first had this insight in 2022, spurring a move from Seoul to a small town. but after 2 years in a small town i’ve realized that perhaps local tradesmen who don’t show up for work are also not my people. i will walk with my people when i can find them.

in 2025 i’m going to try something different. like you i have goals, dreams, and rough timelines to make them happen. off the top i’d like to have kids; sell another company; reduce my body fat from 16% to 12%; be a better disciple. but when?

What’s preventing you from achieving your ten-year goals inside of six months?

Thiel’s challenge was too scary for me to even consider when i first heard it. cool thought experiment, anyway what’s for lunch? but now i’m ready. by the grace of God i am ready to go Super Saiyan.

because it’s reasonable that i can regain 6-pack abs, manifest another 7 figure exit, and start a family before i’m 40. but i’m not interested in what is reasonable. i’m interested in not being called a sub-tard (Musk) for watching Boy Meets World (Vivek) after school.

to pull this off i need 2 tools:

  • more time
  • fewer distractions

and i can carve these out from the rubble as follows.

  1. pause support at my Founder/Hacker coding school. curriculum will remain available, but no more 1:1 emailing until further notice.
  2. outsource logistics at TRMNL. overpriced 3PL services aren’t a good fit but it appears a family member is willing to quit their job next week to take over this department.
  3. stop hosting bros at the ranch. you guys are awesome and whenever someone visits we get stuff done. but the stuff we get done is also being paused (see #4).
  4. pause ranch work. i have a lifetime to iterate on our compound but lately have spread myself too thin. a few Ranch Tracker projects are still in draft mode because they’re not done yet.
  5. less or no alcohol. i’ll admit that i love drinking, but i once did a 10 month stint without it and that was nice too. practically this just means spending less time at restaurants, more grinding.
  6. [even] fewer meetings. as a manager these are theoretically high leverage activities, but despite having ~20 direct reports i’m an individual contributor at heart. meetings destroy my ability to do the creative work for which i am uniquely qualified.
  7. increase schedule rigidity. i’ve always oscillated between “plan every minute of my day” and “do whatever i want with no alarms.” now is the time for more rules. remember: it’s not forever.
  8. put health first. i work hard physically and mentally but the physical aspect comes in waves. i’ll do a ton of labor outside, or go to the park for weeks to run, then take a week or 2 or 3 off. so i’m hopping on the early morning gym wagon to see how it suits me. i am skeptical but will try.
  9. ignore hobbies. i have several interests, from playing music to getting better at Nine-ball, learning 3D modeling, studying Korean, woodworking, starting side hustles… but these are incompatible with speedrunning the rest of my 30s in a single year.

the list above is not comprehensive. a punch list of action items is imminent. but i’m sharing anyway because my biggest accomplishments have 1 thing in common: i stated my intentions in public.

please hold me accountable. or join me and i’ll return the favor. Project 2025 starts… now.