when I was 12 years old I got a Playstation 2. at some point it stopped working or i was bored so i took it
Deep Work
i hate all my friends, i miss the days when i pretended with you. –Patrick Stump last month i read Cal Newport’s Deep Work and it
On Ambition
several well-intentioned founder friends have warned me with some version of “Ryan, you need to raise money or else XYZ competitor will beat you.” this is
I’m in the Flower Business
this month my fund acquired Lobiloo, a software platform that helps florists visualize estimates and quotes for their clients. i met the original founder Emily through FE International,
the best post ever written on learning to code
update – 2.5 years after publishing this post, i’m proud to release my own “how to code” course, Founder/Hacker. if online isn’t your thing, i