i graduated high school in May 2008 with plans to become a rock star. the first song i ever wrote (warning: screamo) got some radio
How I Beat an Online Course Scammer
this is a story about how i beat a thief at his own game and made $2,100 USD in the process. if you’re reading this
Habits are a Gemfile
in most Ruby web applications there is a Gemfile, whose purpose is to include all the dependencies your app needs to run. want a calendar
Clear vs Clever Copywriting
last week in Malaysia i gave 3 talks on technology, creativity, and copywriting. i described my approach to knowing when copywriting should be clear (straightforward)
Objective Copywriting
through my growth course, mentorship program, speaking engagements, and writing i’ve been asked to critique 100s of websites. in doing so i realize why everyone